Saturday, October 16, 2010

BBQ Party

Sarah had a long weekend so we decided to go visit some relatives down in North Carolina. In my mind, There needed to be something to make the drive entertaining. We were staying with my husband's Aunt and Uncle's house. Although we knew they had a big dinner planned for our arrival, we decided to get a late lunch at our first BBQ restaurant in NC. We all think we know the best BBQ places because of our years of eating in them. But do we? With age comes wisdom, and I have come to realize that there is more than one way to roast a hog. We drove through Rocky Mount and saw many signs for Gardeners, a BBQ place we always enjoy. The Tom Tom took us in circles until it eventually led us to a smallish nondescript building, obviously not the flagship restaurant but an offshoot. Inside, it was set up like a fast-food restaurant, however, people brought the food to your table. We ordered. Sarah had a BBQ sandwich and me a plan old BBQ plate. The service was fast.  The coleslaw was finely diced just how I like it. The texture of the BBQ was also very nice. No sauce needed here. French fries were of meaty quality and fried to a nice crisp.
Atmosphere: Authentic
BBQ: No sauce needed
Collards: Didn't taste them at this restaurant
Additional Comments: They had bagged pork skins that were hanging on the wall for sale. It made my mouth water. Maybe next time.

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